Monday, December 7, 2009


I have read 4 books on parenting in the past 2 months. Trying to get some ideas with disciplining and hoping that I am not completely destroying my kids;-) But lately, as with reading these books it seems the kids just KNOW I am trying to do better and their behavior seems to have gotten worse. Maybe it is just the changing of seasons, from being outside to inside the majority of the time? Anyhow, I find I have been escalating with my discipline and getting increasingly frustrated. Until finally a breakthrough a couple of weeks ago. I read that the best whiners probably learned from their parents! (ex. Child: Mooooom.. I waaant a coooookie! Parent: (or me) Nooooo for the umpteenth time youuu caaan noot haaaave aaa coooookie!) So I decided that even if they are whining I am going to treat them like a precious gift from God, be a GOOD EXAMPLE and not whine back. I have now found myself laughing whenever they whine. (Because even though it is annoying, they STILL are pretty cute.) Life is too short to get frustrated. In return, when I start laughing, they start laughing and the whining stops. Do I have it all figured out? NO. Will I? Hopefully, but probably won't. All I can do is take it a day at a time and do my best.

Proverbs 22:6

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.

Proverbs 13:24

Whoever spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is diligent to discipline him.


Bren said...

Godspeed, my friend.

Alan, Kimberly, Landon, Tate, and Bentley said...

One of my most recent faves on discipline is by Ginger Plowman - "Don't Make me Count to Three." I highly recommend it!!!!!

gianna said...

try Loving ON Purpose by danny and Sheri silk. The Loges went through the video series with us. OOOOOHHHH, so great!